Téléperformance S.A.

  • Regulatory News:

    The Board of Directors of Teleperformance SE (Paris:TEP), which met today, decided to cancel 3,000,000 treasury shares, representing 4.7% of the share capital, pursuant to the authorization granted by the combined shareholders’ meeting of April 13, 2023, under its 19th resolution.

    Following this cancellation, Teleperformance SE directly holds 880 891 of its own shares, i.e. 1.5% of its share capital. The share capital now amounts to 51,107,635 euros divided into 60,443,054 shares carrying 61,942,589 gross voting rights.

    The 3,000,000 shares cancelled were repurchased on the market as part of the share buyback program implemented on April 13, 2023 following a decision of the Board on the same day, the description of said program is available online on the website www.teleperformance.com

    Daniel Julien, Chairman and co-CEO of Teleperformance, commented: “The shares repurchase and their cancellation arose from the stock price which does not reflect properly the Group’s strong cash flow generation, its unrivaled, industry-leading performance in a challenging macroeconomic environment, and its future growth prospects.”