Star Capital Stock Market Valuation Web page no more... Alternatives?

  • Hi there. New forum member here.

    I just noticed that Dr Keimling's very useful Web page about per-country market valuations will no longer be updated, now that is very unfortunate.…h/stock-market-valuation/

    I'd venture to guess that Dr Keimling moving to new ventures (according to his LinkedIn profile) explains the issue. I certainly wish him good luck.

    Do you guys know if those per-country valuations indicators are being (or will be) maintained elsewhere?

  • Do you guys know if those per-country valuations indicators are being (or will be) maintained elsewhere?

    Dear siamond,

    None of us here will be able to answer this question for you with certainty, since we don't know the answer either.

    I'm sorry that I cannot give you any better information.

    Best regards, vanilla.

    "Es ist leichter, einen Atomkern zu spalten als ein Vorurteil." - Albert Einstein -

  • Why do you know that it won't be updated any more? Just ask StarCapital directly and give us feedback, please.

    But yes, it seems possible, due to the surrender of StarCapital from mechanical investing and deep value investing.

    „Wir haben die gesamte Führung fast aller Berliner Sicherheitsbehörden ausgetauscht und dort ziemlich gute Leute reingebracht." – Benedikt Lux, Grüne Berlin

  • Perhaps you better look and ask at Taunus Trust?
    Thats the new home of Norbert Keimling, and probably also other people of his kind of mind.