Patriot: Patente, das ultimative Produkt?

  • Da Du der Letzte bist, der sich ernsthaft um diesen thread bemüht, solltest Du DAS mit dem wegschmeißen lassen. Immerhin will ich Dir doch in ein paar Monaten für `meinen unerwarteten Reichtum` danken 8) ;D 8)

    Beste Grüße


  • Hi,

    lese so am Rande mit und bin auch immer wieder ueberrascht,
    welche Firmen sich dann doch genoetigt fuehlen sicherheitshalber doch so'n licencing mit den Jungs abzuschliessen, ohne das das letzte Ruling gesprochen ist.

    Ich kann mich irren aber bisher wurden doch nur Lizenzen mit einem einmaligen downpayment geschlossen.
    Soll heissen, ich loehn einmal und dann hat sich das
    - moderne Form des Ablass? aber lassen wir das ;-)

    Was mich interesieren wuerde, ich dachte die sind an regelmaessigen Royalties interessiert, so wie das aber zur Zeit aussieht gibt's immer nur ein mal nen Happen und dann hat sich das, also keine regelmaessigen payments...
    Naja und sollte das court ruling gegen sie ausfallen,
    dann sind die schneller weg, als man Chapter 11 buchstabieren kann ;-)



  • Zitat

    Original von nike

    Naja und sollte das court ruling gegen sie ausfallen,
    dann sind die schneller weg, als man Chapter 11 buchstabieren kann ;-)

    Na ja, insolvent wird Patriot bei einem negativen Gerichtsurteil nicht sofort werden, da die Firma schuldenfrei ist, etwa 40 Mille in der Kasse hat und so gut wie keine Angestellten zu bezahlen braucht. Aber es stimmt natürlich, dass die Zukunft ganz entscheidend von dem Ausgang des Prozesses abhängt. Geht Texas verloren, ist die ganze Fantasie auf einen Schlag weg und PTSC wird danach wohl bestenfalls auf Basis des Bargeldbestandes bewertet, sofern bis dahin die alternativen/neuen Geschäftsfelder (Holocom/Data Securus) nicht vorangekommen sind. Andererseits sollte ein Sieg wie ein Katalysator für zusätzliche Lizenzabschlüsse wirken - statt einem Lizenzvertrag pro Monat wie bisher wird es dann eher einer pro Woche sein. Selbst bei dieser gesteigerten Frequenz dürfte es dann noch mindestens 6 Jahre dauern, bis alle potentiellen Lizenznehmer geschröpft worden sind.

    Wie sagt man so schön: High risk, high reward! Es bleibt bis auf weiteres ein riskanter Zock, denn das Gerichtsurteil kann leider keiner von uns vorhersehen. Also: auf jeden Fall nur Geld investieren, das man auch zu verlieren bereit ist.

    Zur Frage der Royalties: Ursprünglich (und so steht es auch noch auf der Alliacense-Homepage) war anscheinend angedacht, von Herstellern fertiger Endprodukte (Computer, DVD-Player etc.) Einmalzahlungen zu verlangen, während Chipfabrikanten (die dann in Endprodukte eingebaut werden) wiederkehrende Zahlungen (Royalties) pro Chip oder Jahr leisten sollten.

    Momentan scheint man allerdings nur noch One-Time-Payments auszuhandeln, die als Vorteil wesentlich einfacher auszurechnen sind. Die ganze Sache ist aber noch immer ziemlich undurchsichtig, so dass die weiteren Pläne von PTSC/TPL auch anders aussehen könnten. Mir wären Royalties übrigens auch lieber als Einmalzahlungen, aber mich fragt ja leider keiner.

    Gruß, Mickymoto

    An der Börse ist es am klügsten, sich dem Trend anzupassen und nur dann antizyklisch zu handeln, wenn die Situation wirklich extrem ist. (Jens Erhardt)

  • Zitat

    Original von Mickymoto
    High risk, high reward!

    Meintest Du nicht eher: no risk, no fun? 8) ;D 8)

    Ich würde ehrlich gesagt recht schnell aus Patriot aussteigen, wenn die anfangen würden ständige Lizenzzahlungen zu verlangen. Das würde lediglich einen riesigen `Wasserkopf` in der Administration des Unternehmens erzeugen.
    So nebenbei mitgenommen, wenn einfach verhandelt, sind Royalties zu akzeptieren. Nicht aber als Grundlage des Geschäftsmodells. Mal ganz davon abgesehen, wer denn von Royalties besonders profitieren würde. Da käme wohl eher TPL in Frage, oder siehst Du das anders?

    Die von Dir angesprochenen `alternativen Geschäftsfelder` sind für mich eigentlich nichts anderes als beliebig gezündete Nebelkerzen. Es glaubt doch wohl Keiner, das z.B. Holocom plötzlich Umsätze generieren könnte, die bei einem verloren gegangenen Texas Prozess den Börsenkurs von PTSC rechtfertigen würden.

    Beste Grüße


  • Hi Brain,

    mit den Nebelkerzen gebe ich dir recht. Wahrscheinlich wurden die Aquisitionen nur zur Imageverbesserung getätigt, damit man nicht als reiner "Patent-Troll" angesehen wird.

    Ist übrigens schön, dass wenigstens noch einer mit dabei ist. So fühle ich mich nicht ganz so einsam. Wir zwei scheinen ja die letzten beiden Sturköpfe zu sein, die noch an Patriot festhalten. Dabei ist der Wert doch mittlerweile wieder richtig antizyklisch.

    Viele Grüße, Mickymoto

    An der Börse ist es am klügsten, sich dem Trend anzupassen und nur dann antizyklisch zu handeln, wenn die Situation wirklich extrem ist. (Jens Erhardt)

  • Hi Spoil,

    da habe ich doch gleich etwas für die drei Musketiere:

    Press Release Source: Patriot Scientific Corporation

    Patriot Scientific Licenses Microprocessor Patents to DMP Electronics Inc.

    Friday September 7, 9:00 am ET

    DMP to Implement Patented Design Techniques in x86 Processors and Other Chips

    CARLSBAD, Calif., Sept. 7 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Patriot Scientific Corporation (OTC Bulletin Board: PTSC - News), a leading intellectual-property licensing company, today announced that DMP Electronics Inc. of Taiwan has purchased an implementation license to the company's microprocessor patent portfolio for use in DMP's semiconductor devices.

    "We're pleased to welcome DMP Electronics to our group of global licensees," said Patriot Scientific CEO Jim Turley. "DMP can now implement our technology at the chip level, such as in their embedded x86-compatible processors. This agreement shows how truly essential our technology has become in the development of advanced microprocessors everywhere."

    Commenting on the agreement, DMP Electronics President/CEO Daniel Tai said, "The design techniques detailed within the patent portfolio are essential in the development of advanced microprocessors such as our Vortex86SX flagship product."

    DMP Electronics becomes the 22nd global licensee of Patriot Scientific's fundamental patent portfolio. Previously announced licensees include Intel, AMD, Hewlett Packard, Nokia, Casio, Fujitsu, Sony, Nikon, Seiko Epson, Pentax, Olympus, Kenwood, Agilent, Lexmark, NEC Corporation, Funai Electric, LEGO Group, SanDisk and the Sharp Corporation.

    About DMP Electronics

    Taiwan-based DMP Electronics was founded in 1989 and specializes in the design of embedded computer architectures. The company's Vortex86SX is a high- performance and fully static 32-bit x86 microprocessor. Compatible with popular Intel chips and 32-bit operating systems such as Windows and Linux, the Vortex86SX chip is well suited to a broad range of end-user electronics products.

    An der Börse ist es am klügsten, sich dem Trend anzupassen und nur dann antizyklisch zu handeln, wenn die Situation wirklich extrem ist. (Jens Erhardt)

  • Die Alliacense-Version der Meldung enthält mehr Informationen. Insbesondere dieser Satz ist wichtig:

    An Implementation License empowers manufacturers of microprocessors and/or other component parts to incorporate MMP technology (i.e. Implementations), while TPL retains the right to collect royalties from their customers that manufacture and sell finished, end-user products using the Implementations.

    Das heißt also, dass auch hier wieder zweimal abkassiert wird, einmal bei DMP und ein weiteres Mal bei den Firmen, die Chips von DMP in ihren Produkten verwenden.

    Der Volltext von Alliacense:

    CUPERTINO, Calif. Sept. 7, 2007
    Alliacense today announced that DMP Electronics Inc. has purchased an Implementation License to the Moore Microprocessor Patent (MMP) Portfolio from the TPL Group. An Implementation License empowers manufacturers of microprocessors and/or other component parts to incorporate MMP technology (i.e. Implementations), while TPL retains the right to collect royalties from their customers that manufacture and sell finished, end-user products using the Implementations.
    According to Mike Davis, Sr. Vice President of Licensing for Alliacense - The value of such a license was highlighted by the recent ITC decision in Broadcom v. Qualcomm which sent shock waves through the mobile communications industry by barring the import of certain handsets containing infringing microprocessors manufactured by Qualcomm. While we continue to focus our MMP Licensing Program on manufacturers of end-user products, we welcome semiconductor manufacturers such as DMP who request rights to implement MMP design techniques. Taiwan-based DMP follows in the footsteps of major microprocessor manufacturers such as Fujitsu, Sony and Sharp who acquired similar rights for their microprocessor businesses.

    With origins that date back to 1989, DMP Electronics today specializes in the design of embedded computer architectures. The companys Vortex86SX is a high performance and fully static 32-bit X86 microprocessor. Compatible with popular 32-bit real-time operating systems such as Windows and Linux, Vortex86SX is well suited to be embedded within in a broad range of end-user electronics products.

    Commenting on the implementation agreement, Daniel Tai, President/CEO of DMP Electronics, said, The design techniques detailed within the MMP Portfolio are essential in the development of advanced microprocessors such as our Vortex86SX flagship product. We are pleased to join Fujitsu, Sony and Sharp as official implementers of MMP Portfolio design techniques at the chip level.

    An der Börse ist es am klügsten, sich dem Trend anzupassen und nur dann antizyklisch zu handeln, wenn die Situation wirklich extrem ist. (Jens Erhardt)

  • Kommt demnächst noch eine Lizenz? Jim Turley's gestrige Powerpoint-Präsentation auf der Arch Small-Cap Investment Conference (anzuschauen unter…stment/090607/webcast.htm) beinhaltet eine Folie mit den bisherigen Lizenznehmern. Erstaunlicherweise taucht darauf eine bislang nicht genannte Firma namens Sylvania auf. Wahrscheinlich ist es diese:

    An der Börse ist es am klügsten, sich dem Trend anzupassen und nur dann antizyklisch zu handeln, wenn die Situation wirklich extrem ist. (Jens Erhardt)

  • CUPERTINO, Calif., Sep 10, 2007 (BUSINESS WIRE) --

    Alliacense today announced that Denso Wave Incorporated has purchased a Moore Microprocessor Patent(TM) (MMP) Portfolio license from The TPL Group. Headquartered in Tokyo, Denso Wave becomes the 20th system manufacturer to purchase an MMP license in about as many months.

    "We are pleased to have Denso as one of our early MMP licensees," said Mike Davis, Senior Vice President, Licensing for Alliacense. "Denso Wave continues to distinguish itself as an emerging manufacturer of automatic data capture equipment, industrial robots and programmable controllers."

    According to Davis, the strength and broad scope of the MMP Portfolio was underscored on June 15, 2007 when the US District Court in the Eastern District of Texas issued its Markman ruling. "With various MMP claim constructions becoming clarified as the result of the June 15th ruling, our highly successful MMP licensing program continues to gain significant traction toward higher royalty rates."

    An der Börse ist es am klügsten, sich dem Trend anzupassen und nur dann antizyklisch zu handeln, wenn die Situation wirklich extrem ist. (Jens Erhardt)

  • Von der Denso Homepage:

    DENSO ist ein namhaftes Unternehmen im Roboter Markt. Weltweit wurden bereits über 30.000 DENSO Roboter installiert. In Japan - bekannt für seine führende Position in der Robotik - sind wir einer der größten Hersteller und mit Abstand der größte Nutzer von Robotern. Daraus folgt, dass wir nicht nur wissen was mit Robotern machbar ist, sondern auch, was er im täglichen Einsatz leisten muss. Aufgrund unserer fortschrittlichen Technologien und unserer Marktposition werden wir auch in Europa nsere Stellung weiter ausbauen.

    DENSO Robotics ist ein Unternehmensteil der DENSO GROUP, weltweit einer der größten Hersteller von Automotive Komponenten. DENSO beschäftigt verteilt über den gesamten Globus über 106.000 Mitarbeiter, die zusammen einen Jahresumsatz von über 23Milliarden Euro erzielen.

    An der Börse ist es am klügsten, sich dem Trend anzupassen und nur dann antizyklisch zu handeln, wenn die Situation wirklich extrem ist. (Jens Erhardt)

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Mickymoto ()

  • Da wir DREI hier ja allein sind, gebe ich einfach mal meine Freude zum Ausdruck, dass Denso nicht gerade im Batamgewicht in den Ring steigt. Immerhin wäre Toyota ohne Denso nicht Toyota. Aber wem sag ich das 8) ;D 8)

    Beste Grüße


  • Nein, nein, alleine seid ihr hier nicht.
    Ich darf aber erst wieder bei stabilen 0,40+ mitspielen, sonst schimpft meine Strategie.

    "SpontanVERkäufe ohne gründliche Analyse sind die Hauptursache teurer Fehlentscheidungen" (HF, 15.3.2007, modif.)

  • So, gerade zum ersten Mal Patriot ein wenig angeschaut.

    So langsam sieht der Chart relativ flach aus und ich überlege, ob sich eine Investition lohnen könnte. ???

    MC 161 Mio $
    Net Income 23,7 Mio $

    Das ergibt doch glatt ein KGV von 6,8 :O fuer 2006/05 bis 2007/05.

    Abgesehen davon, das diese Firma und damit die Aktien nicht ganz meinem Risikoprofil entsprechen, klingt die Story interessant (ist die noch intakt?) und die Ergebnisse scheinen auch zur Marktkapitalsierung zu passen... ;D

    Zek :)

    3.) Gib nie mehr für einen Erwerb aus, als absolut nötig
    16.) Geschäft ist Geschäft (... bis sich ein besseres anbietet)
    218.) Kauf nie ohne zu wissen, was Du kaufst

  • Hi Zek,

    die Story ist noch intakt, ein Investment allerdings riskant, da viel vom Gerichtsurteil in Texas (im Januar) abhängt. Eventuell geht es auch etwas schneller, da in den kommenden Tagen Vermittlungsgespräche zwischen den Streithähnen laufen.

    Ansonsten sollte man auch noch auf die Re-Examination der Patriot-Patente durch das USPTO schauen. Sobald in dieser Hinsicht etwas Wesentliches passiert, sage ich Bescheid.

    Gruß, Mickymoto

    An der Börse ist es am klügsten, sich dem Trend anzupassen und nur dann antizyklisch zu handeln, wenn die Situation wirklich extrem ist. (Jens Erhardt)

  • Einladung zur Hauptversammlung:

    Dear Patriot Scientific Corporation Shareholder:

    On behalf of the Board of Directors and management of Patriot Scientific Corporation, I'm pleased to extend a personal invitation to you to attend the annual meeting of shareholders of Patriot Scientific Corporation, which will be held from 10:00 AM until noon on Tuesday, October 23, 2007 at the La Costa Resort and Spa in Carlsbad, California. A light buffet luncheon will be provided following the meeting. I hope you'll join us.

    Financial Performance. Fiscal 2007 was more than just a good year for Patriot Scientific Corporation, it was a record-breaking year. At the end of May we posted the best financial results in Patriot's 20-year history. The income recognized from our patent-licensing activity nearly doubled to $49 million and the Company's net profit was $23.7 million, or $0.06 per fully diluted share.

    Our cash position also improved dramatically, growing by a factor of nearly 5 times. We now have over $21 million in the bank, compared to just under $4 million at the end of fiscal 2006. Our exceptionally strong financial performance puts us in a much better position to acquire other companies, technologies, rights, or equipment going forward.

    Warrants Repurchased. By the time of the shareholders' meeting we will have bought back all the remaining outstanding warrants held by Lincoln Ventures. This action, which we announced on July 24, eliminates the last of the warrants held by Swartz and Lincoln since they became long-term supporters and shareholders of Patriot Scientific.

    Shares Repurchased. Over the course of fiscal year 2007 we've spent over $8.8 million repurchasing shares of the Company. To date we've acquired more than 18 million of our own shares under a program that began back in July of 2006 when the management and the Board of Directors felt that our stock was undervalued in the market and that this would be a prudent use of corporate funds. We've suspended share repurchases for a while because I no longer believe this is the best use of the company's cash at this time. Although we still believe our shares are undervalued, I strongly believe we can put that money to better and more profitable use elsewhere.

    Dividends. In a similar vein, Patriot Scientific has paid out three dividends over the past two years, most recently a $0.02/share dividend on April 9, 2007. As before, the management and the Board of Directors will reconsider the topic of dividends at regular intervals, but at this time I believe the Company's assets can be put to better use creating a revenue stream that would be in addition to the proceeds that already flow from licensing.


    Licensing Activity. Since February of 2007 we've welcomed seven new licenses in as many months, including Nokia, Sharp, SanDisk, Bull, the LEGO Group, DMP Electronics, and Denso Wave. Our momentum is increasing and the future looks very bright, indeed.

    Management Changes. Since our last shareholders' meeting we've gained a new CEO, a new CFO, and a new member of the Board of Directors.

    On June 5 I was appointed the Company's president and Chief Executive Officer, succeeding David Pohl. I'm thankful to the Board of Directors and the shareholders for their trust and confidence as we begin a new chapter in the company's growth.

    Clifford Flowers joined the Company on September 17 as Chief Financial Officer, succeeding Thomas J. Sweeney. Cliff's public-company experience with software and technology companies will be key assets as we evaluate potential acquisition candidates and eventually integrate their operations into our own.

    Taking over as head of our Technology Committee is Nick Tredennick, PhD. Dr. Tredennick is a well-known Silicon Valley technology expert and entrepreneur with a string of successful products and companies on his resume. Nick adds an invaluable measure of experience, know-how, and expertise to Patriot Scientific Corporation as we move forward.

    Press and Analyst Activity. Over the past few months we've invigorated the Company's press and analyst outreach, conducting several print and broadcast interviews with the business and financial press. We're beginning to see the fruits of this labor in more column inches and a clearer understanding of Patriot Scientific Corporation and its unique business proposition. We've even secured a regular monthly column in one of the industry's biggest monthly publications, Electronic Business.

    On the financial side, we've also engaged with a new independent research firm, which will significantly increase our visibility and coverage among the investment community. We look forward to their initial coverage of our Company later this year.

    Patriot Scientific Corporation has been named to the San Diego Technology Fast 50, sponsored by Deloitte & Touche LLP. This awards recognizes Patriot Scientific as one of the 50 fastest-growing companies in the San Diego area.

    Subsidiary Activities. Business continues to improve at Holocom Networks, the network- and data-security firm in which we hold an interest. On July 20 we announced that Holocom Networks had sold its interest in its multi-domain computer business (now called DataSecurus) to Pilot Power Group, a transaction that simultaneously relieved Holocom Networks of these non-core assets and put that business into good hands.

    Patent Litigation. As previously reported, Patriot Scientific Corporation is party to a patent-infringement litigation pending in the Federal District Court in the Eastern District of Texas. The TPL Group and Patriot Scientific are plaintiffs seeking damages from various electronics-manufacturing companies named as defendants who are alleged to be infringing on one or more patents in the portfolio jointly owned by Patriot Scientific Corporation and the TPL Group. The petitions for relief included requests that the court issue permanent injunctions against the sale by defendants of products produced without licenses to use our patented technology.


    In February a license agreement was entered into with one of the defendants, NEC Corporation, including certain NEC subsidiaries. In connection with the transaction four of the five NEC defendants, excluding NEC Electronics America Inc., were dismissed from the lawsuit.

    On June 15 an important claims-construction (Markman ) hearing was held in Marshall, Texas. The purpose of a Markman hearing is to define and clarify the exact definition of technical terms included in the patents in suit before the trial begins. The result of this hearing was quite favorable and broadly confirmed the strength of our patent portfolio. The hearing definitively established and clarified the meaning to be assigned to the claims within the patents. We're quite encouraged by this result.

    On September 13 a motion to simplify the patent-infringement trial was granted. This motion helped the Company two ways. It removed ARM Holdings as an intervener in the current litigation, and it allows us to appeal a portion of the Markman interpretation of the '584 patent before waiting until the end of the trial.

    A three-day pre-trial mediation is currently scheduled for September 2527, and the trial date has been moved to January.

    Summary. The fiscal year 2007 has been very good to Patriot Scientific and I'm more convinced than ever that we've got fantastic opportunities ahead of us. I look forward to sharing this good news with you at our shareholders' meeting in October.

    · Licensing revenues doubled to $49 million

    · Cash position has grown five-fold over previous fiscal year

    · Signed seven new patent license agreements in as many months

    · New President and Chief Executive Officer

    · New Chief Financial Officer

    · New head of the Technology Committee

    · Retired all outstanding warrants at Lincoln Ventures

    · Repurchased $8.8 million worth of PTSC stock

    · Paid out another dividend to shareholders

    · Began aggressively pursuing acquisition candidates

    · Sold non-core assets of DataSecurus to Pilot Power Group


    /s/ James L. Turley
    James L. Turley
    President and CEO

    An der Börse ist es am klügsten, sich dem Trend anzupassen und nur dann antizyklisch zu handeln, wenn die Situation wirklich extrem ist. (Jens Erhardt)

  • The TPL Group Files Appeal to Reverse Markman Claim Construction for US '584 Patent in MMP" Portfolio

    Strategic Appeal Expected to Reverse Single US '584 "Instruction Groups" Claim Construction in US Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit

    CUPERTINO, Calif. - Sept. 27, 2007 - As planned, the TPL Group today announced it has filed an appeal to reverse the June 18, 2007 Markman ruling regarding the "instruction groups" claim construction for US Patent 5,784,584 (US '584) in the Moore Microprocessor Patent" (MMP) Portfolio. The appeal closely follows the stipulation proposed by TPL for a judgment of non-infringement of US '584. TPL urged entry of the judgment in order to simplify and streamline the MMP Portfolio infringement trial in the US District Court in the Eastern District of Texas scheduled to take place in January 2008, and to enable an immediate appeal of the narrowly adverse Markman ruling regarding the single US '584 claim construction.

    "As we have noted in prior public announcements, we believe that the claim construction for 'instruction groups' requires more scrutiny than the Texas Court was able to give it during the Markman hearing due to time and space constraints," said Dan Leckrone, Chairman of The TPL Group. "Apart from the need for further scrutiny on this single claim construction, the Texas Court demonstrated great skill in dissecting and dealing with a very complex case over a 15-month period. We believe the June 18th Markman ruling overwhelmingly supports MMP Portfolio claims against Matsushita, Panasonic, JVC, Toshiba, and NEC entities."

    As a result of the stipulation requested by TPL, the Texas Court infringement trial will focus on only two US patents in the MMP Portfolio, the 5,809,336 and the 6,598,148. TPL asserts that the June 18th Markman ruling broadly confirmed the strength of MMP claims including the very significant affirmation of US 5,809,336 as applied to both modern PLL-based and non PLL-based systems.

    Leckrone Asserts "Misleading ARM News Release"
    Leckrone noted that ARM issued a news release on September 20, 2007 that "was misleading" in that it implied the Texas Court somehow passed a judgment of non-infringement in favor of ARM. In point of fact, it was TPL who initiated the partial non-infringement stipulation to pave the way for a speedier trial and TPL's opportunity to appeal the single Markman ruling on the "instruction groups" claims construction. He declared, "The fact that TPL gave ARM a judgment of non-infringement was purely procedural as well as temporary until the reversal of the US '584 ruling."

    According to Leckrone, all ARM core families (ARM7, ARM9, ARM9E, ARM10E, ARM11) and the ARM Cortex microprocessor core family do infringe upon the US '584 as well as US 5,440,749 in the MMP Portfolio. He warned that all manufacturers of end user products using infringing ARM processors - with the exception of the 20 global manufacturers who have already purchased MMP Portfolio licenses - are infringers of technology protected by the MMP Portfolio. "The longer infringers wait to purchase an MMP license, the more they can expect to pay because our program is designed to reward first-movers in various industry categories."

    The sweeping scope of applications using MMP design techniques continues to encourage manufacturers of end user products from around the globe to become MMP licensees. Since January 2006, HP, Casio, Fujitsu, Sony, Nikon, Seiko Epson, Pentax, Olympus, Kenwood, Agilent, Lexmark, Schneider Electric, NEC Corporation, Funai Electric, SanDisk, Sharp Corporation, Nokia, Bull, LEGO Group, and Denso Wave have all purchased MMP Portfolio licenses.

    About the MMP Portfolio
    The Moore Microprocessor Patent Portfolio contains intellectual property that is jointly owned by the privately-held TPL Group and publicly-held Patriot Scientific Corporation (OTCBB: PTSC). The portfolio includes seven U.S. patents as well as their European and Japanese counterparts. It is becoming widely recognized that the jointly-owned patents protect fundamental technology used in designing microprocessors, microcontrollers, digital signal processors (DSPs), embedded processors and system-on-chip (SoC) devices. The MMP Portfolio is exclusively managed by Alliacense, a TPL Group Enterprise.

    An der Börse ist es am klügsten, sich dem Trend anzupassen und nur dann antizyklisch zu handeln, wenn die Situation wirklich extrem ist. (Jens Erhardt)

  • Patriot Scientific Provides Details of Share Buyback

    CARLSBAD, Calif., Sept. 27 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Patriot Scientific (OTC Bulletin Board: PTSC - News) announced today that the company has recently purchased shares of its common stock on the open market. The purchases were part of a previously announced program in which the company has said that it plans to repurchase shares of the company's outstanding common stock from time to time.

    Patriot Scientific President and CEO Jim Turley said, "Patriot Scientific, which is a highly profitable company with no debt and approximately $22 million in cash on hand at the end of FY 2007, is by any reasonable measure that I know of substantially undervalued. The company's common stock is trading well below what we would regard as an appropriate multiple of earnings. We have taken advantage of this decline in the price of our stock to purchases shares at a price we deem to be strongly in the interests of our shareholders."

    Turley said, "We continue to be extremely positive about Patriot Scientific and its future prospects. So far 23 companies have licensed our company's valuable patent portfolio. More than 300 other companies are on notice concerning their violation of our patents. As we have previously pointed out, the strength of the portfolio was underscored in the June Markman ruling by the U.S. District Court in the Eastern District of Texas. The patents describe valuable techniques for improving chip speed, reducing power consumption and improving performance, all of which are interesting and useful to systems and semiconductor manufacturers worldwide."

    An der Börse ist es am klügsten, sich dem Trend anzupassen und nur dann antizyklisch zu handeln, wenn die Situation wirklich extrem ist. (Jens Erhardt)

  • Patriot hat am Freitag in den USA bei ansprechendem Volumen um knapp 20 Prozent zugelegt. Ist das nun lediglich eine technische Gegenreaktion auf die Kursverluste der letzten Tage oder ein erstes Anzeichen für eine entscheidende Wendung im Gerichtsverfahren? Vom 25. - 27. September waren Vermittlungsgespräche zwischen den Parteien angesetzt. Sollte dabei tatsächlich etwas herausgekommen sein, wären Insiderkäufe eine recht gute Erklärung für den Ausbruch. In diesem Fall dürften wir heute weitere Kursgewinne sehen, wenn die Neuigkeit sich inoffiziell weiter verbreitet.

    An der Börse ist es am klügsten, sich dem Trend anzupassen und nur dann antizyklisch zu handeln, wenn die Situation wirklich extrem ist. (Jens Erhardt)